My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
I liked this book the best of all the Grace and Favor books. The author enlightened me to even more of 1930's history, such as The Bonus Army, the despicable actions of Hoover and MacArthur (yes, THAT MacArthur) with the somewhat unwilling participation of Eisenhower as well. (this last bit I found out while researching the Bonus Army and the horrid things they went thru due to the mistreatment and disregard of the government...sound familiar?)
Of all of Jill Churchill's books, this one I most recommend. This one has a period of our history that we forgot and need to remember, especially during our own time of war today. We need to make sure, irregardless of our own opinions of the war- for or against- that those that fight and defend us in the USA and other places are treated with respect and dignity and taken care of when they return.
Blurb from Author's Site:
Lily and Robert each have a murder to solve. Robert’s is discovered when he’s got helpers taking down the old ice house in the woods to reuse the wood. It’s an almost mummified body of a well-dressed man. Robert can’t stand not knowing how and when and why he got there.
Meanwhile, Lily is at the Voorburg Ladies League meeting when Police Chief Walker arrives to tell one of the other women her husband’s been killed. Lily is determined to get to the bottom of this before the Police Chief can.
While lots of people’s old secrets are revealed and picked apart by the brother and the sister, Jack Summer has gone to take a first hand look at the Bonus March going on in Washington D.C. and gets into the thick of the horror there.
There are some surprising twists and turns as all three stories are resolved.
View all my reviews.
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