My newest additions!
Isn't she just beautiful!!! My newest addition to my family. Kelli made this as a special order for me. I wanted to commemorate the most blissful moment in my life for my 43rd birthday. She custom made an Ajysit doll for me...a blue swaddled baby to represent my son John, shell-headband to represent my name, a green necklace to represent my birthstone of Peridot, and a green dress as it is one of my favorite colors. The hair has a story too, with strands of brown, blond and red throughout and a streak of gray right over the right temple. I am enamored with her and she hasn't even arrived yet, Kelli said she mailed it yesterday and I should get it anytime. I cannot wait!!!
She arrived today (7 August 2008). And I'm in love!Here she is in all her glory (well, as well as a picture of mine can give her.)
And this is my other present to myself: A Pompasita Bottle by antb (Antonia). I saw this on her esty site Ant's Pottery and I nearly died laughing. I knew then and there I had to have it. Humor being in short supply here, anything that makes me laugh is welcome, and I'm sure that it will continue to bring a chuckle or giggle or two as time goes by. She has a couple of other pieces I have my eye on, but will have to wait a good while for. 
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