Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Edain McCoy: Celtic Myth & Magick: Harness the Power of the Gods and Goddesses

Celtic Myth & Magick: Harness the Power of the Gods and Goddesses (Llewellyn's World Religion and Magic Series) (Llewellyn's World Religion and Magic Series) Celtic Myth & Magick: Harness the Power of the Gods and Goddesses by Edain McCoy

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Some people don't like Edain McCoy's books, they relegate them to "fluffy-bunny" status. I personally despise that term and think that the ones who use it are self-important wanna be know-it-alls. There, I said it, LOL. Whatever level ANYONE is in their own search for faith and spirituality should never be demeaned and condescended to as these people who use such a term tend to do.

I liked this book, it was more of a dictionary for me of some of the lesser known (to me) deities and figures in celtic mythos. The rituals would be helpful to those who use them, I personally would only use someone else's to build upon to make my own, if I were so inclined. But this is her, McCoy's, path and choice. She did a pretty decent job in this book.

Although the elitist crowd will still look down on her work, if you are just beginning your studies into Celtic Myth, then this is a good reference.

Also look into Patricia Monaghan!

View all my reviews.

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